Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Carpenters are Coming! The Carpenters are Coming!

Day 0

We still don't have permits but we don't care!  We just do what we want.  Tomorrow the carpenters are coming to work on the stairs inside of the house.  "But why, good sir?", you might be asking.  The downstairs has only two access points, the back patio door and the stairs.  If we do the stairs first, then we will have access to downstairs during the entire construction and we won't have to empty our closet or the kids' room, or the downstairs bathroom.  The alternative was all four of us living in the upstairs living room (yup, that would have meant NO bedrooms).  However we will be inconvenienced for just the week that the stairs is being done as we will have to go downstairs via the driveway outside but it's been warm so I think we'll be okay.

So exciting!

Don't worry, I'm going to get better at this blog thing and I will post pics.  I'm expecting lots of UNconstructive critism from a certain someone named Angela.


  1. hahaha! "...we will be inconvenienced for just the week..." lol. i do hope it's just one week and not longer. also, completed stairs will let the construction peeps walk up and down throughout the project. bonus for them.

    1. I think a more accurate statement is, "We will be inconvenienced for just the week for this particular item." :)
