I finally got rid of one of my pet peeves in this house. I got rid of the surround sound system. It came with the house and was unsightly (along with a large but very outdated, low-def, flatscreen television that doesn't have any HDMI inputs). Besides which, I'm not big into 3D whether it be audio or visual. I think it will be a while before movies really understand how to utilize this in an effective manner. Anyway, in order to accomplish this task, I had to do this:
To get this:
And then I had to go here:
To get this:
Now if I can just get Mika to patch and paint all the holes . . .
I'm on it! Except you put the ladder away. . . and we don't have any spackle. And, I don't know where the touch up paint is. And, I'm not sure where there are any paint brushes. . . or the putty knife.