Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Incredible Un-Shrinking House

Day 78

We got back some of the room that was taken away!  This room at the bottom of the stairs used to be divided by a plastic wall but that has been taken away so we feel a little less cramped.
I thought the kitchen looked bare yesterday but today it's gone from bare to skinless!

I guess I should have taken them more seriously when they said they were going to gut the kitchen.

The main beam no longer looks like it is going to fall over.   It looks much sturdier now with some framing around it.

We are also seeing the beginnings of the pantry.

And lastly, that might look like an oven but it is actually a glorified storage cabinet.

No gas line, electrical issue, and no hood.  Two pretty darn good reasons for not making it operational.

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