Here were are. Pretty darn near the end. This is not the last blog entry but since there is not much going on right now besides waiting for some small things to get done, I thought I would treat you to a before-and-after trip down memory lane.
Also, I might add that the before pictures were taken with an iPhone 4s. The new pics were taken with an iPhone 5. I think the focus was much better with the new phone.
We knew things were getting real when the port-o-potty showed up. This is all that is left of it:
Just a little brown square on the ground.
Here's the back of the house. Before:
And after from the same spot:
You can gauge the position by that piece of roof on the left edge of the frame so the house is much closer now.
Here's a nicer view:
Next up is the kitchen. I'm going to do it by sections.
Here is the old southeast corner.
Here's a new picture from the same spot.
Here's a better view, since I don't have an x-ray vision camera.
This next one shows the northeast corner.
Here it is now:
The wall got pushed back (which shrank the guest room but enlarged the kitchen).
Now the old northwest corner.
And the new.
That's where the wall was extended and we had a corner unit built there.
The old southwest corner:
And now:
We do enjoy the counter space we have now.
This next one is a shot I took while leaning on the stove and facing our east wall.
And here it is now:
The stove is in the same place and I'm leaning on it for this shot as well.
On to other spaces now. Here is the "hallway" which it really wasn't before. It was just a doorway.
Here it is now:
To get your bearings the light switches and sconce on the right wall are in the same location as they were before the remodel.
At the base of the stairs we used to have what seemed an unusable space.
However, after removing the glass sliding door behind those curtains, it made a really big difference.
We need to find a nice piece of art for that wall. There is also a keyboard in this room where the kids practice. Ah. Useable space.
There was also a glass door in the old master bedroom downstairs.
We blocked it up and made it look like this:
Kira, you're welcome.
Finally, here's something I have not seen in a long, long time.
Boy, you can tell a MAN took these pictures, because there is no shame or regard for all the clutter and junk all around!!! I would have tidied up a bit first--ahem.