Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You Have To Break It Down Before You Build It Up

Day 58

I think that's a loose quote from a movie, or the military, or a movie about the military.  That's what is happening to our house.

They're doing a lot of measuring and they are being careful about removing the old stucco.  They have to save that door and the window next to it to be put elsewhere in the addition.  They have also laid down the anchors for the outside walls.

And a quick plug for our design/build firm, in case any of the 3 of you who are reading this post want to do some renovations or building:

 Yup, this prominent 4' x 4' sign now resides in our front yard.


  1. This is the first time I've read your blog outside of my email. I'm totally calling your builders to build the Costco cedar house sitting in back of my house.

  2. Your profile isn't particularly informative.

    1. I think my profile is just fine, thank you very much. Count yourself lucky that I posted a pic.
