Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Essence Of Multi-tasking.

Day 175

Lots went on today.  Things going on upstairs and downstairs.

Looks like they finished laying down the floor.

It looks like they put a coating of some sort over parts of the floor that were above existing construction, including the guestroom.

Not sure why they did the whole guest room floor but they did.

Not sure if the flooring guys rebuilt the stairs as well but it is matching material and looks much nicer than the temporary plywood that was there.

Then there was more work on the shelves in the downstairs closet.  That's looking good too.

Finally, the last of the cabinets arrived.

 They are going to go upstairs in the great room but not until the floors are done.  While the floors are getting finished, we are not going to have stairs for a couple of days.  That means we are going to have to go outside and down the driveway to access the kids' room.  Fortunately, the inconvenience is only going to last for a day or two.  Then it should be all downhill from there . . . until the house starts smelling of paint!

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